Taking Responsibility For Your Own Well-being By Avoiding Toxins.


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Living surrounded by toxins and carcinogens hazards is unavoidable making it easy to be exposed to serious health conditions such as cancer. It's a reality that each and every one of us will face cancer whether directly or indirectly.

While we cannot completely escape facing chronic illnesses, we certainly protect ourselves from getting it in the first place and we already have tools in our profession that can help us fight prevent and reverse carcinogens in the body by simply making the right lifestyle choices.

The great news is, you're never too late to start. Maintaining your body properly gives you immense benefits...but it means that you need to forget about diet, and put in a little bit more work aiming for a change of s lifestyle in the form of daily routine change, a regular full body detox - because regular body detoxification is a necessity for optimal health - 


Unfortunately, cleaning chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, pollution, processed food, poor hygiene, (the list go on...) blocks up up the body as well as constant eating, and poor digestion. And because of these reasons, the body's natural cleansing system is compromised and so is your immune system.

This is why it's crucial to not just be aware of this but take responsibility/action, but most importantly have a regular detoxification plan for your body so you can unlock your body's full flushing capacity to remove toxins quickly and deeply because the more the toxins stay in your body, the more exposed you become to a chronic illness, so it's absolutely crucial that you follow certain basis protocols of a daily routine whether you're unwell or 'perfectly well.

A 2017 study published in the international health institute shows that breast cancer is the leading cause of women deaths in the UK but the study also says that only 5 to 10% of all cancers are genetic.

I don't know about you but for me, this type of statistic is really motivating. This basically means that at least 89% of cancers are avoidable - which concludes that 90% is caused by outside elements.

This Is Why You Need To Take Control Of Your Health And Why I Believe That Body Detoxification Needs To Take Place Before Treatment Of Any Kind.

The reason being that toxins tend to live inside fat tissues; (this is also true when it comes to weight loss by the way...) which means that as soon as the treatment touches your tissues, those toxins will immediately start flooding your system according to Dr M. Greger, which often overwhelm your vital organs and this was the case for me.

As a holistic practitioner, I recommend doing a series of detox cleanses before starting a treatment or trying to actively lose weight. This is not to say that you should hold off going through your treatment as a whole, rather, you should put a few things into place, do a few things first before embarking on a major treatment protocol. This can literally take 2 to 14 days depending on your situation. This will also help you cope with the treatment better as well as making it more effective.


Before you even think about changing your health for the better, you first need to reduce your emotional and physical toxins exposure as much as possible, because there's really no point in trying to get rid of toxins in your system if you just going to continue living in a sea of carcinogens hazards or pilling more in your body yourself. 

For your body to have a chance to protect you, you'll need to give your liver and intestines a break from having to process or digest so many toxins at one time.

Here's a rough list of common sources of toxicity to pay attention to Soft & Heavy Metals.

Aluminium, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, cosmetics, regular cleaning products, compromised food products, non-stick cookware, cigarette smoke, dental fillings to name but a few.


Ask your doctor, friends and family members to help you stay away from this list, which will make it easy for you to avoid chronic ill health or help you get well quicker if you're currently unwell.

You can do this!!!

To A Better Heal A Head!



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