
Showing posts from August, 2021

So How Do You Focus On Your Self-Care?

  2 Minutes read. ".. Your food choices affect your health, our happiness and the planet..."   John Robbins.   To self-care effectively you need to have a daily routine that is incorporated into your 24-hour daily plan. Keeping the planet in mind while you do is a brilliant strategy in knowing what will support your body. Just think: what's harmful to the planet is harmful to you and what protects the planet is great for your body too. Crazy right? It's that simple. Now, you don't have a daily self-care plan? Start fresh! Make one today. Need help with this? Just reach out. The starting point, in my opinion, is your authentic self. With that, I guarantee you cannot go wrong. You will know and understand exactly what you need that works for you. I will, however, say this: if looking after yourself is not a fun process, full of new discoveries, insights and delights - don't do it. Please believe me when I say that you have massive potential and resources to find

The Holistic African Dance 3 Days CHALLENGE! BTS

  A moment caught during our 3-Day challenge 2 weeks ago. H 5 m Read Time A while back I did decide to take the plunge - and start a blog. Missed last week . I've always wanted an easy way to share information - share what I'm passionate about with visitors and I’m super excited that I've started this journey with you all - you will be pleased to know that it's all about dance and good food... Supporting your body's natural functioning is a serious business and specific foods on this site will help you do just that. Keep coming back to our site and check for updates right here on the blog. T his is a great way for me to share evidence-based cancer-fighting foods, and ancient wisdom of African dance to bring you insights about these commodities in relation to h ealth, tips, techniques, anecdotes and facts about holistic solutions, home cooking as well as my authentic recipes - it will also be about natural solutions that I've used and still using that c

Taking Responsibility For Your Own Well-being By Avoiding Toxins.

  Read 6 Minutes Living surrounded by toxins and carcinogens hazards is unavoidable making it easy to be exposed to serious health conditions such as cancer. It's a reality that each and every one of us will face cancer whether directly or indirectly. While we cannot completely escape facing chronic illnesses, we certainly protect ourselves from getting it in the first place and we already have tools in our profession that can help us fight prevent and reverse carcinogens in the body by simply making the right lifestyle choices. The great news is, you're never too late to start. Maintaining your body properly gives you immense benefits...but it means that you need to forget about diet, and put in a little bit more work aiming for a change of s lifestyle in the form of daily routine change, a regular full body detox - because regular body detoxification is a necessity for optimal health -    Unfortunately, cleaning chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, pollution, processed food, poor