So How Do You Focus On Your Self-Care?

2 Minutes read. ".. Your food choices affect your health, our happiness and the planet..." John Robbins. To self-care effectively you need to have a daily routine that is incorporated into your 24-hour daily plan. Keeping the planet in mind while you do is a brilliant strategy in knowing what will support your body. Just think: what's harmful to the planet is harmful to you and what protects the planet is great for your body too. Crazy right? It's that simple. Now, you don't have a daily self-care plan? Start fresh! Make one today. Need help with this? Just reach out. The starting point, in my opinion, is your authentic self. With that, I guarantee you cannot go wrong. You will know and understand exactly what you need that works for you. I will, however, say this: if looking after yourself is not a fun process, full of new discoveries, insights and delights - don't do it. Please believe me when I say that you have massive potential and resources to find...