Why Your Toes Are So Important?


 2 Minutes read.

REALLY! Are we going to talk about toes? 

Why not?

I'll say it's one of the most important conversations people should have in life..:))


Ok, I recently asked this question in my community: ' If you could fix 1 thing about the way, you walk or stand what would it be? Many said nothing, posture, confidence, I have no idea, etc...

Even if you're limited with your movement because of a disability you can still improve the way you sit, stand and move about.

So, all the answers collected were interesting.

What I want to ask you now is what if all those answers abore were wrong? Or not the most important?

There is probably a different explanation to that question but as far as I'm concern, those are kinda wrong; because even though some of these are facts of life, important, a necessary, there are two main things you need to look out for to have a good posture and to walk properly...and they are Your feet and your breath.

Your feet

Starting with the feet. We don't really pay attention to the feet, do we? Unless you're a dancer or a feet-specialist, you don't really look at your feet. I fact feet and toes are made fun of in some movies. People don't often look at their feet so have no clue what happens to their toes most of the time they don't know if they've changed or remained the same.

It's so very important to look at your feet and figure out what's changed because your toes are not only linked to your vital organs they affect your spine.

And this is what I find happens - the direction of your toes can give away your age.

But most people think that they start to get older when they get wriggles. Actually, that's not the case. I found in my research that way before the wriggles show up, something interesting started happening with your toes - they start shifting, changing direction, your toes start to 'talk' to each other, or 'run away from each other or all bend in one direction..:)) - they basically just start changing, and this affects your spine. People don't know that every single toe is linked to their vital organs, and fingers as well by the way...we'll talk about that another time.

So what happens, when your feet/toes start changing as you grow older or going through serious ill-health, (that's how I found out as I was going through breast cancer years after - I always paid attention to my feet and I started noticing some 'funky' things happening with my toes, and I'm like what is this? what's going on?...and I started researching and fixing it. It's so important to do so not only when you feel you're getting older but also when you are struggling with serious heal conditions.

 It's important to check what your feet are doing right now, take your shoes off, check where your feet are, how they're looking, where is every single toe, where are they facing? pointing? how close or far apart are they from each other...look at them when that changes the slightest, pay attention to it and start responding to it.

And dance really helps you to place your toes where they were original. Will chat about this another time.

The next thing is your breathing. 

Most people take their breathing for granted - they just breathe without knowing because it's just there, just something they do...the way they stand and walk reflects that unconscious way of being... So, they JUST stand, or JUST walk without any thoughts.

It's important to pay attention to that, it's important to breathe consciously. If your breath consciously, you'll be noticed that the first thing that happens, when you take a breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth is that your shoulders will just naturally be straight and relaxed because your body's know what it's doing...

So, I'll say to anyone looking to improve their walk and how they stand, to first improve the way they breathe and make sure that the toes are placed on the ground the way they were originally designed.

Make sure to also do exercises that improve posture.

Let me know if this post speaks to you. What are your thoughts?

Do not hesitate if you have any questions.

Merci et à Bientôt!.:))


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