Why 'Law Of Attraction' Is An Interesting Concept That Can Affect Your General Well-being!


20 minutes read.

Things that happen in your life are brought on as a form of conscious or unconscious self-prescription of things to come. If this is true, this will be great for our general well-being because in that way we are totally in charge of changing things for the better for ourselves. 
Who wouldn't want to do that... 

Law of attraction. 

Ouch!!! what's that? I'm no expert. 

The reason I wanted to address this in this blog post is that it seems like this group of worlds 'Law Of Attraction is a mystery for many people and is considered taboo or problematic for one's faith for some...or maybe it's just me reading too much into it...:)) The facts are though, only a select few talks and live by this 'law'...consciously. 

What are your thoughts on this topic? Is this your thing or something you don't believe in and will not contemplate?

Okay, here's how I'll explain this to my 8 years old self. 

I will, first of all, establish a few facts that we cannot argue about: Our planet is a living thing. Living means breath, movement, giving and much more - and this is the true essence of the universe. 

As humans,  being a part of the massive art piece called creation, we are clearly connected in some way or the other with nature, the universe, the creator, God - perhaps you're using a different explanation to how all this came about, the name for it, but spirituality is a fact. Whether we like it or we don't, whether we're conscious of it or not, just like gravity and air that we breathe are facts, so in the realm of spiritual existence.

What does this have to do with the 'law of attraction'?

Well, I don't know! I'm not an expert on the topic and the gurus will probably tell you nothing at all but think about this. If we're somehow connected to all the living things - the earth, fellow humans, animals and the whole planet and most of all, a higher being then, this means that we can also be affected by these as well. Since the universe is so vast, a powerful electromagnetic force, (one example is lightning, an electrostatic discharge that travels between two charged regions...which are a combination of electric fields and magnetic fields) and humans even though we're just a tiny dot in the universe, we have electromagnetic points in the body and this fact could be an obvious connection for you.

This makes me think, and here's a question for you- the powerful force that created the universe has not disappeared as it? We can see the evidence in the oceans, in nature and in our own bodies. For me, it's therefore not crazy to believe that we can still receive scrumps of joy, ultimate health and success if we choose to put ourselves I a position that makes it possible.

Love and receive love or 

Destroy the love and receive nothing at all or worse...

So our actions can attract good things in our lives or push them away. I'm not trying to be very simplistic here - but away from massive theories and quantum physics, (the force in which nature and everything else works and interact together in a way mentioned above) this is what I understand and can share...obviously, it's deeper than that, check it out for yourself if you're interested.

So, the law of attraction for me is a beautiful and enjoyable 'dance' that puts you in charge. How cool is that! If you're in charge, you don't get to be a victim...you have responsibilities. 

Here's what I said to myself to change my mindset and this might help you. 

"Listen, you know that you have a range of - 'dance partners' to choose from, all these 'potential partners have spotlights' on them and their names are clearly in display and the best part is that they have absolutely no power over you and they'll only 'come to live' when you give them your hand and willingly 'walk' hand in hand with that 'partner' to the dance floor".  


This completely changed the way I see things forever and has given me a strong mindset as well as effective protection for my mental wellness. In addition, I have to say that I seem to attract and get everything that I truly really want - that I feel is good for me - health, work, people and I'm so very grateful for that. Notice I didn't say relationship...(more on this on another post perhaps)

I will give you the name of those 6 potential 'dance partners' you can choose from so that you are aware and hopefully take action. 

People believe in chemistry and attraction between two human beings but argue about our connection to nature, and the consequences of our actions powers to attract or repel things that we want or don't want, depending on the decisions that we make? So, I'll use a romantic relationship to make a point.

Here's what I've noticed brings two people together... (there's so much 'work' involved... in a good way I think..:)) Dreams and aspiration in sync, as well as a willingness to compromise and love unconditionally, are the basics of two people's intimate relationship. 

The process: 1. noticing each other, 2. commit to being in each other's life and 3. Both feel that it's the best thing that ever happened to them? 

This, in my opinion, will only happen, (sometimes out of the blue) if you've been thinking and longing for this day to happen in your life, you yearn for it, you're ready and expect it - only then, you can attract someone who's on the same page. If you're thinking, it would be nice, you're unlikely to find that special person.

If you're reading this and you're single, read the previous paragraph above, implement it and see what happens. Just saying!.:)) & come back here and let us know.

To stick together for better or for worse, you can only reach that level if

1. you first worked on yourself to be that 'perfect' life partner that you're looking for in the other person, 

2. You're positive and convinced that this is the person for you, feel that they make you happy and believe they will continue to do so and 

3. For it to last a lifetime, or to have a happy life in general you'll need to:

Firstly - Create an emotional vision of what you really want to see happen and you'll get it.

Second of all -  Consciously chose who you'd like to 'dance with' in your day to day life- 

Here come the names of the possible 'dance partners' you can choose from: 

There are 2 categories: 

Category 1. Anger, Sadness and Fear. (These are the main ones - but they do have 'cousins'...)      

Category 2. Gratitude, Love and Trust. (These have a large 'family' too..:))

So, depending on which one you chose to 'dance with', it will secure you a specific outcome for your health or life. And

Third - Understand that everybody including you is IMPERFECT, surrender and acknowledge the presence of the one that makes it all possible for all of us and be grateful for everything you have every single day.

The energy that is the universe provides us with electricity that gives us lights at night time and so much more.

We were granted the power to make our own decisions, choose our paths and enjoy life, meaning that we can consciously or unconsciously create whatever future we want to have.

Are you in charge of your brain or your brain is in charge of you? The brain is not comfortable in doing things it's not familiar with and will always 'strongly suggest' I mean will demand that you do what you did yesterday, exactly what you've been doing the past year or even a lifetime. 

Anything that is put in here is locked and to change this you must first of all have knowledge of what's currently in there, acknowledge that there's something that needs to change for the better, figure out what is that specific thing that you want to change, get help and take action to make that change to create different results.


Whether you're into the law of attraction or not, understand it or not, believe in it or not, your belief system just like mine is something that sits deeper in our being and often, impacts outcomes in our lives and health as a result of our actions based on that belief.

So tell me...

Law of attraction: Love it?? Or HATE it?

Either way, thank you for stopping by and reading this. Merci.


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