Take responsibility for your own health and 'drive' the changes you want home!


Read time 12 Minutes.

The road to recovery can often seem like this - you feel isolated, alone and lost as well as beautiful and serene as you begin getting back on your feet. 

If you're quite a fearful person, pessimist, you're on edge and always wondering what are they doing walking around while I'm suffering? they're not doing their job right, you don't have this or that...they didn't this or the other, and say you feel you're getting worse...the NHS is rubbish!

When you're someone who believes that everyone around you is doing their best, that the doctors and nurses are incredible, and feels that having a hospital system where you are, is God sent! And somehow you take responsibility for what might have caused the problem in the first place and what you, personally need to do to fix it at your level.

That is what I call taking the driver's seat for your journey to recovery. Yes, you TAKE CONTROL of your health and do your best to change the narrative.

Driving the changes that you want home starts at home!!!

Home as in a physical place and home as in your brain, thoughts, mindset. I love what Tony Robbins says, he says: ''Feed & Condition your mind & your body''. Also, that: ''people fail, because of fear''.

You see, what takes us down and crush us or move us forward and elevate us is always one word - EMOTiON. Emotions are in control of everything...they dictate our beliefs, our decision-making process, our worries and fears.

So, now that you know that, what are you going to do about it? I have a suggestion for you just to second what Tony said...you really need to consciously not only feed your mind, you need to consciously strengthen your mind too EVERY SINGLE DAY especially if you're seriously ill.

How do you do this?

Well, the way I've done it successfully and trained others to do the same is by using resources I already have at home as well as African dance as a tool to heal the soul, restore cells and strengthen the immunity and you don't need to know how to dance. I teach it in this women's group free of charge. Ask to join, answer the membership questions and I'd let you in.

In there, we'll be running an amazing FREE DANCE TO HEAL 3-Day challenge every 6 weeks the first one starts this coming Monday and you can sign up HERE

By the end of these 3 days challenge - You'll learn:




You are going to know how your body works, have the clarity that you need and gain the confidence to take responsibility for your health and create the results you want.



You'll be made aware of the tools that you need to rebuild your body from the inside out.

. You'll discover where to begin so that you can effectively start changing your health one step at a time.



You'll understand your unique responsibility to cleanse your whole system and your surroundings - exactly where to start.

. Learn why and how to embrace your body & life.

Sign Up HERE it's FREE


Let me tell you!

It’s been a very long road to really start putting all my research about African dance in relation

to health, as well as positive mindset, specific foods, and my personal experience in service to

people who want it. 


This is not another weight loss fad. It’s not some new ‘trendy’ exercise or diet secret, either.

This is a scientifically backed system that actually works so quickly in improving your health

and the weight loss is just a bonus.


Why am I the one bringing this information and teaching you this stuff? Well, I was at a place of tremendous health struggle and, feeling like that was it for me and that I was either going to die or accept that I will never be well again - and I’m out the other side now. That is why I’m so passionate about helping you implement the specific and tangible results I’ve created for myself. I’m stronger, healthier, leaner, and happier than I've ever been.



PS: But if you can't wait BOOK A Free Consult with me and we'll see if

you're a fit for our Habits That Heal SELF, a 6-week immersive course.

How do you feel about taking control of your health? Is that something you're doing already or something you'd like to try?

Any questions please don't hesitate. 



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