OCEAN WAVES & SEA WATERS - Healer Of Physical & Mental Anguish?


10 minutes read.


Do you love walking on the sand? Do you ever go closer into the waters? How about the waves, you like or love them?.:))

I have an interesting connection with the ocean, the seaside, and the waves. I was born in a small city in Cameroon call Kribi and so was my daughter. This image is not Kribi unfortunately, but some part of the vast Atlantic ocean that I know and love looks exactly like this image.

I chose this photo because it reminds me of a specific day that I remember like it was yesterday. I was 10 years old and that day was my very first experience with holistic healing. I'll get back to that later.

This blog post is to encourage you to start dancing if you're not already doing so - and if you are, do it more often.

Look at these waves... light, smooth and gentle. But they can also be strong, powerful, and crash!!!  I feel that's you, that's me, that's who we are and that's life. Abundant, Versatile, and unpredictable. Once you understand that, you understand what life challenges are -A LONG DANCE- where joy and pain take turns...the smart thing to do is to Dance with waves of life! figuratively and literally.

Here's what I want you to know… 

Dancing is simply a fancy word for - moving. If you can move, you can dance! 

Hi, I'm Grace Ekall, founder of -Habits That Heal- If you're a woman, JOIN my invite-only group HERE answer the questions and I'll let you in. [People walk, run, exercise, dance for happy hormones, tone the body & be healthy - We DANCE TO HEAL THE SOUL & KEEP SERIOUS ILLNESS AT BAY, we're MORE IN TUNE WITH OUR BODIES & KNOW HOW TO STRENGTHEN OUR IMMUNITY daily with 'healing movement' every Tuesday. (No experience needed). It's FREE in our group before we make it paid. WHO WANT IN???]

As things change in your life, move with them, as you face challenges, don't ever ask: 'Why me?' It's a waste of energy to be a victim but somehow, you receive a boost of energy when you have a victor attitude. I know how extremely difficult this can be at times and that's where dance comes in. Trust me on this one!

Just like the waves, they are great ones, not-so-good ones, bad ones, massive ones meaning that you will experience ups and downs, and it's healthy to feel sad emotions and even cry. It's actually healthy to do so...it only becomes a problem when you start to - not only ponder upon what happened but cast your eyes in the past, just to figure out who's fault it was... who was/is responsible for that pain you felt or feeling, and then, it becomes more interesting...you 'upgrade' yourself from having the ability to bust whatever or whoever is 'coupable', (French for deserving blame) culpable for 'stealing' your joy into someone who has the ability to predict the future...yes now, you can also read into your future...and you start to see 'cristal clear' in your mind eyes, what's going to happen in the future and because that future is not looking good, you now have another layer of stress over something that is not here yet and that may never happen.

Here is my suggestion - when you feel this version of you coming through in your mind, just get up and dance - yes, just like that! no rhythm necessary, no experience needed. Get up and start moving...consciously..:)) Don't think too much about this. 

You are reading this which tells me that you're alive yes! If you're alive, you're already moving all the time - however, moving unconsciously is just that - moving. Whereas moving consciously is dancing, dancing is healing..:)) 

When you hear the word healing what comes to mind? 

I love talking about healing NOT curing! Because cure is what we hope to be, healing is what we are when we tap into the person within when we understand the deep meaning of being and embrace it! 


I believe that healing is clarity and a deep understanding of your reality and not looking at your body as something that needs fixing but understood. And start seeing yourself as an individual who is whole. Also, quit keeping scores of what's' broken'...

We really get lost when we're obsessed with the word cure and what it means, what's working properly, what's no longer working...goodness me! get a life!.:))


I think that is curing and is looking for perfection while we live in an imperfect world. 

So what I often encourage individuals to do, is give themselves permission to tap into the soul, the person within - the self, who is aware of the wisdom above, who do not need to become, who is whole, ego-free, in touch with their emotions and surrender to the wonderful wisdom of the body’s natural ability to heal itself. I say, work in partnership with your body and in collaboration with your doctor. Pose and think about that.

Having said that, I’m not a healer, I’m just a normal busy single mum who struggled with serious health issues and started to listen deeply to her body and started communicating with it. This is what I know and this is what I love to share with anyone who will listen.

I really hope that this empowers you a little bit and inspires you to start creating your deep healing.


So, my very first experience with holistic healing - long story short. 

I was 10 years old and got very sick with appendices and was hospitalized for over a month. We are in Kribi Cameroon, but the doctor looking after me is from Guinea and has a reputation of being out there...to be polite!.:)) So he suggested that my mum take me to the sea and make sure that I go in. 

I could hear the waves from where the clinic was, it was literally 30 steps away from where my hospital bed was - but I've not walked for nearly 3 weeks now, I'm in pain and very weak...My mum, a nurse & herbalist at heart welcomed his suggestion - we're eventually found ourselves by the sea and doing exactly what the doctor ordered to our surprise, 2 days later, the womb that has been opened and refusing to heal all this time and giving everybody worries and anxiety is beginning to close up just like that! And somehow while in pain still, I'm feeling okay.

So, mum and I went every single day I was in the hospital so that I could do my new favourite thing, listen to the waves ‘sing’ as I called it... and walk in the sand. 

Really magical! 5 days later I was home. 

For a 10 years old little girl, what was left engraved in my heart & brain is that the ocean waves and sea waters healed me, and growing up as a dancer and choreographer, waves have always been my inspiration, and going through ill health, waves, movement & dance has always been my saving grace.

And when things go wrong this quote helps me see that there are better & bigger things ahead.

"You're not a wave; 

you're a part of the ocean". 

~ Mitch Albom

And this here is how I feel when I’m going through challenges, another quote that I love.

"It's a wonderful metaphor, 

catching a wave, 

for how you can look at 

other challenges in your life" 

~Jeff Bridges

Here's another one I cannot live out!.:))

"Feelings are much like waves: 

we can't stop them from coming, 

but we can choose which one to surf." 

~Jonathan Martensson

So, always remember that things will be difficult at times but that they are so because you're closer to something great!

Much love to you all! 

Are, ocean, waves, and seawaters healers of physical and mental pain? I don't know. What do you think? I'd really like to hear your thoughts in the comment. 

Hope this was encouraging for you. If you have any questions, shoot!

Thank you for stopping by, say hi! 



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