OCEAN WAVES & SEA WATERS - Healer Of Physical & Mental Anguish?

10 minutes read. - Do you love walking on the sand? Do you ever go closer into the waters? How about the waves, you like or love them?.:)) I have an interesting connection with the ocean, the seaside, and the waves. I was born in a small city in Cameroon call Kribi and so was my daughter. This image is not Kribi unfortunately, but some part of the vast Atlantic ocean that I know and love looks exactly like this image. I chose this photo because it reminds me of a specific day that I remember like it was yesterday. I was 10 years old and that day was my very first experience with holistic healing. I'll get back to that later. This blog post is to encourage you to start dancing if you're not already doing so - and if you are, do it more often. Look at these waves... light, smooth and gentle. But they can also be strong, powerful, and crash!!! I feel that's you, that's me, that's who we are and that's life. Abundant, Versatile, and unpredictable. Once you unders...